Monday, July 25, 2011


Happy Birthday to the beautiful, Jihee!!
Seriously, this girl is amazing! She's my best friend, sister, partner in crime, random night drinking partner (back when we used to drink...ha!), favorite person to go on random mountain drives with in the middle of the night, fav travel buddy/guide (she showed me how to do New York in a day!!)... I could seriously go on and on...but I think you get the point. She rocks. And I am so lucky to have her in my life :)
We've been through some stuff, maaan! (In my best Stewie voice)

Happy Birthday, girl!!
 Love and Miss you!

(This was the most epic night ever. And no one will ever understand why except us :D )

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

More Nutty Weather!

The past few nights have been crazy! Tuesday, Nate and I walked to the grocery store (which is two blocks away) to get a few things for dinner.  The storm was just arriving as we left the store.  A little bit of lightning...maybe some wind, nothing too serious.  By the time we were half-way home, it had turned into the most insane storm I have ever seen.  We ended up sprinting the rest of the way through pouring rain, wind, and freakishly close lightning!  We got upstairs, made sure the cat hadn't had a heart attack, and continued to watch the storm. It was wild. Constant lightning accompanied by that type of thunder that sounds as if the sky is shattering. I was pretty scared to be quite honest.  

Anyways, enough rambling! Tonight was round two of the storms and luckily most of it was way south of us.  So, obviously I had to shoot some photos!

Here it comes!

 This is my fav :)

Fire Breathing Boyfriend


Saturday, July 9, 2011

Friday, July 8, 2011

Oh dear, Cherry Creek is flooding!

Its true!
Nate and I took a walk down to the creek after the insane rainstorm that tried to ruin our happy hour patio time. The news said that parts of the Cherry Creek Trail are under four feet of water! I didn't venture out to see how deep it was...but I believe it.

Cherry Creek...raging

What trail?

Sorry for the back to back river posts! I like raging waters though...haha

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Raging River

Yesterday, my momma and I had lunch in Golden and then went for a walk down by Clear Creek.  It is so crazy how high and angry the river is right now! Pretty scary actually..


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4th of July!!

I'm pretty sure this was the best 4th of July I've had!
Friday: Worked at The Lobby, then watched the fireworks at Coors Field while Nate grilled up some amazing food at his new late night grill!
Saturday: Repeat of Friday! 
Sunday: Worked brunch, had the BEST blood mary I've ever had at Retro Room, then went to the fireworks at Civic Center Park with Nate, Chris and Renee
Monday: Went and visited my family for a bit before heading up to Nate's parents house! Nate grilled up some delicious food then we drove down to Blackhawk and watched the fireworks there.  It was possibly the best show I've ever seen, aside from the E-Days fireworks of course. Did a little gambling then went to Idaho Springs to see some long lost friends!

Amazing weekend, to say the least!

Fireworks in Blackhawk

Fireworks at Civic Center Park

Civic Center Park

Mmm food!!

Caketails made by miss Renee at Astonishing Cakes

Being goofy!!

Wow!! I can't believe I narrowed this post down to only 3 firework pictures!
I'm sure there will be more to come at a later time :)